Sunday, October 7, 2012


From childhood itself it is encouraged in us TO DO something.. It seems so harmless then. As we grow up and face things in the outer world, slowly this DOING something becomes an essential part of us. Infact, it becomes us. For one begins to wonder, what is one without DOING something. And this non-acceptance of non-doing brings a lot of disturbance in what we do and in our lives, that is in us itself.
I wonder how many of us are able to just "be" and not restless in the "being". And even if restless, then not escape from the restlessness by DOING something.
This clearly implies, how can a source -that is so restless and chaotic - DO something that is fruitful/pure in its very essence ? I wonder, if this is possible ?? Or should it be other way round..
In "being" if we are at peace with ourselves, then wouldn't the DOING itself be nothing but creation and joy ? As then the so called DOING will be without any motive to achieve or ambition..
And that is the real doing.. or the non-doing - without there being a DOER .. just the act itself..

Thursday, July 19, 2012

..of unsolicited advices and help

It gives me goosebumps and scares me to a very anxious place when I think of the damage we adults can do to infants, children/youngsters by giving them unsolicited advice and helping them around even when they might do the task or go around the day by themselves. Its not uncommon for us (as adults) to hate when given unwanted advice and help. To me personally many a times it comes as if the helper or advisor implies - "I do not trust you nor do I trust your so called instincts.. and I wonder if there are any?"
More and more I have tried and gone deeper into this, the more I have come to understand that Creativity is bullshitted when your freedom is compromised and trust beheld.
I have found myself more creative and enthusiastic when not surrounded by people giving advises and suggestions. It seems that there is more flavor in the food and more adventure in life, when unwanted help and advice is not around.
In my case, I have found myself working through my own trials and errors in all permutations and combinations when free. Creativity is a by- product of working or figuring out freely for your self. If we shall learn to leave children or even adults by themselves, helping when asked for, we can maximize the growth of that person. And if I may - call it real Love.. Which helps us grow.

It seems to me that the URGE to help comes from a piece of information that we have in our subconscious (and may be conscious as well) minds that cries out -" please don't make any mistakes, please don't have any failures.. they are bad."
This just shows the kinds of shallow and risk-free, therefore unadventurous lives we live. No wonder we have to tune into other adventurous entertainment in order to feel that we are alive. Because we ourselves are so predictable, safe and boring.
And children who are so full of life and adventure just get trapped with us, unassuming adults. and slowly we make them like us only - scared, afraid, insecure and always in need of acceptance and love. We dare not let them learn from their own mistakes which we as kids always wanted to do.

On the other hand, living a life which is simple for all of us isn't that difficult. We just have to let the other be, and let ourselves be.
:-) couldn't be simpler.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

of masks and make up

Anger, Sex - We have never ever taken out time and willingness to understand these two highly tabooed things. We have never tried to find out why are they tabooed in the very first place. What politics is going on undercover by the authorities and a virtually existent thing called society ? We are given instructions about them - not to be angry, be careful of physical intimacy, but we were never demonstrated how to use intelligence to inquire and understand the very nature of these and other emotions like hatred, jealousy, pride, sorrow, suffering, love. These are very truly considered to be "HUMAN NATURE" .. Ha ha.. Nature..
What do we understand or know about Nature. We include all the green and watery  and animalistic things on this planet under this umbrella of Nature. But we exclude Human beings as else we will be just another part of nature. At present the widespread world view is that humans utilize/ exploit this planet and nature. Which totally implies that we are separate from nature. So, then what do we know of human nature?? 
How can we know of something which has been, since eons, masked from the very beginning ? And that is why then the study of the sub-conscious becomes necessary.  " pehle chhupao, fir khojo".
The basic problem with us is that we don't let things be, and firstly we don't let ourselves be. And once this process of masking and make up starts, its like a rumor which spreads like addiction. And then only we suffer, when we have moved away from our basic state of being and have been lost in becoming thus imposing layers and layers of make up on us. Through understanding and not escaping, life can be lived im-mediately, directly, in aliveness. But why would mind accept a thing that is so simple. maja nahi aayega naa, there will be no stories..

Its so simple to live, to really Live. But mind likes to sophisticate things, complicate things and then create stories and then try to solve the problems in a confused state of mind. Haha... It just cannot accept the simplicity of nature.

Very recently - a statement came out of the mouth of a physically close ,so called relative of mine - "agar aap ke jaise do chaar aur aadmi ho jaayen India mein, to zindagi ka saara rang/romance hi khatam ho jaye" (on my not purchasing clothes etc. often).
I say - " dil ko behlaane ke liye Ghalib ye khayal achcha hai"

Monday, June 4, 2012

जब मैं था तब हरि नाही, अब हरि है तो मैं नाही ..

जिस तरह एक जख्म के होने से जिस्म पर,
एहसास होता है केवल दर्द का,
उसी तरह "मेरे" होने से कहाँ हो पाती है महसूस,
तेरी खूबसूरती और तेरा जलवा?
किसी तरह "मेरे" होने को आराम मिले,
तो कुछ तेरी ठंडी छाँव में ज़िन्दगी को गले से लगाया जाए..

Monday, May 21, 2012

Insights -Ashtavakra geeta chapter 2

Pain is indeed important. Turbulent situations are very important. Feeling bad about one self (mind made self feeling bad about itself) is very important.

Saakshi bhaav -
From childhood we have been conditioned to pick and choose. Now the reality dawns upon us that that very picking and choosing has taken us away from our only Self. Picking and choosing is suffering. suffering is in the mind. and unless a choicelessness arises, we will always be identified with the mind.
Practising witnessing (not choosing) is therefore something against our tendencies. It is the de-conditioning that needs to be done in order to re-connect to our own Self. What an irony ! We are connected with everything but Self. Though its all the game of Self itself.
Thats why its said we are nothing but pure love - because unless identification with picking and choosing (not-witnessing) stops, we cannot be our true Self, And once we are not picking and choosing (Witnessing) there is nothing but pure joy and Aho-bhaav in store.
Getting stabilized in our own Self requires alertness, awareness every moment. Not to get identified with the mind and its dirty tricks even for a moment.  Now that's some challenge !!
And then when the witness takes its steering wheel, things are just happening, there is a subtle realisation, the body becomes lighter as if not there. I AM that that is untained, untouched, unwavered, unattached, untouched by greed and jealousy amongst all this.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

sukh aur dukh: insights from Sarvasar Upnisad and Japuji Sahib

Sukh bhi wohi deta hai, dukh bhi wohi deta hai. Jab MAIN hai, to sab sukh aur dukh hai, jab MAIN hi nahi, to Dukh kya Sukh kya, kyonki, ye dono wahin hotey hain, jahan MAIN hota hai. Kyonki, mujhe lagta hai aisa hona chahiye- jab aisa ho jaye, to sukh, nahi to dukh. 
Agar sab parmatma hi ka khel hai, (nirankar, onkar) tab sab ek samaan. Jeet bhi uski , maat bhi uski. aasha bhi uski, niraasha bhi uski.

Is Pain important?

Pain is important.
Till the time it hurts when someone says something, ego is still
alive. Its ego that has the capacity to get hurt. Because getting hurt
must have happened because of - i am something else, and this person
says i am not that (how dare he?). So my belief is hurt. Having
beliefs is a 'quality' and 'quality' is that of an object. It means
whatever happened was in the realms of ego only, the object. The
moment apperception happens- perception without a quality, only that
is me. and the moment i say - 'that', its again not me.
So its good to be with difficult (appears to me like -different cult)
people ("difficult" people means people who do not fit into your mind
made beliefs, which is nothing but Ego) because only there can your
ego not survive. Ego will get hurt again and again, and you will get
sick of it. ab aur nahi.
If you remain with lovely conforming people all the time, then ego is
always there, lurking. Whenever a difficult situation happens, it
comes to the limelight. The demons and the devils of me, and demons
and devils again can only be of the ego (my mind made self)..
For the objects to manifest, IT has to be no-thing.. only when IT is
no-thing, can there be things. As they need space to be. On the same
hand, precisely because IT is there, the objects ARE. proof (who needs
a proof?)