Tuesday, April 7, 2009

To you , beloved GOD

    You seep into my life as the Sun,

    Floating through my window, you intoxicate my soul.

    You come as the wind

    Rejuvenating the air around me

    You stand there as the Earth,

    Filled with humility and power

    Supporting me till eternity

    Then you take forms, try to elude me

    But your essence is visible in each living form I see

    In each and every leaf and bud

    Full of love, aren’t you?

    It oozes out of you, no matter how hard you disguise.

    So, tell me now, why shouldn’t I be overwhelmed

    Why shouldn’t my heart melt in your warmth, your love?

    When you touch and kiss my heart from inside,

    What way am I left with, if not being a whirling soul

    Free from the mortal body..

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