Around 42% of Indian population has remained below the poverty line since decades after independence. Reason : Over-consumption of resources by the other half of the population. People, especially in the metropolitan cities of India have become so habitual to excessive consumption, whether its clothes, shoes, accessories, vehicles, Indian rituals, marriages or property and saving money that they now cannot even imagine a life without maid servants, without generators, without air conditioners, and without bank balance.
Most of the parents today are overwhelmed and totally taken away by the obsession of having their children in reputed schools, whether they have time for their kids themselves or not. Result – Kids have money, they have all the luxury in life without any effort, they are not grounded, they go to so called good schools without any warm chats with their parents, as their parents are busy in earning excessive money for them, and the kids are now found to be disconnected from their own selves!
Many of us desire to end this excessive use of resources, but where is our target located in space and time? Shall we just make an awareness wave and request all of us to wake up? Is that going to ring a bell, and hit our soft spots? May be for a day or maximum, a week we try to consume less. But this hardwired program of consumerism will not just go away like that!
Why are we consumed in consumption? Why are we, so called Warm and friendly Indians, not sensitive to the needs of rest of our country/planet mates? What makes us tolerate crime, corruption, indifference, on a daily basis? What are we afraid of? Or are we just shackled by LOOKING GOOD, and we fail to even realize that each and every one around us is trying to look good to us, as we are to them! Aha .. We are in the same prison. We are inmates, but we still are afraid of each other. And guess WHY am I scared of you touching my insecurities? Because I myself don’t dare to confront them. They are like forbidden places to visit, which remain forbidden all my life and I leave my body without having those places adventured.
Why aren’t we so confident of ourselves that we are not scared by others’ (WE all form the category of OTHERS) success or competence? Why our past is governing our futures in such a auto-pilot way, and we are not even realizing that we started the journey ourselves, that we were the directors of our lives, not the victims..
We have become hostile people and we are in denial. We would pass by people waving hands to give them a ride, our car would be having a lots of space, but our hearts so scared and constricted with fear that we cannot even think of such a small support to our fellow commuters. We don’t like machine like lives, but knowingly we are plunging ourselves into a machine and our heads are cracked, and hearts left unloved, unexpressed when we get ourselves out of the machine for the night. Something is missing, we feel it daily, but dare not express it, as it is going to show OTHERS our vulnerability. Ha ha.. We are nothing but a bundle full of pretense, of show off. The biggest fool we make out of all this is no other one but US.
Now, HOW DO WE CONNECT TO OTHERS and FIRST OUR OWN SELVES? Because its only then that sensitivity might appear from the ashes of our egos and we naturally become minimalistic creatures living in harmony with planet mates and the Planet itself.
In her book, WHY PEOPLE DON’T HEAL AND HOW THEY CAN, author Caroline Myss beautifully and vividly describes how we create our own Cancers and many other chronic diseases and how the healing is lying dormant within us itself. We live in past grudges, past resentments, past non-forgiveness of mistakes, and past mis-conceptions and our interpretations. All our energy that would have been available to us for present and creating a new future lies tangled in the past, and we wonder why do we feel lack of power, self-worth, creativity and enthusiasm.
Another book by the same author (INVISIBLE ACTS OF POWER), is a series of real life stories on how we regain our power unknowingly and then unknowingly spread it by touching others around us. The book leaves us with tremendous insights on Faith, of which we have traces left in the machine World.
WHAT does it take to get ourselves back into FULL SELF EXPRESSION and let go of LOOKING GOOD mask? One pre-requisite condition is Willingness and the other is Courage to face our selves.
Are you ready for it!!!
We assume ourselves for the personality people think we are, and what we think we are! But we fail to Realise that we are something more powerful and beyond imagination than what our minds that think about us. We ascribe the running of our lives on some GOD other than us and then feel the lack of power and feeling of being helpless, but it’s time to realize that that OTHER GOD is just a separation, a division that our mind has created for us, and the real KRISHNA is our OWN HIGHER SELF. This KNOWING and BEING cannot dawn otherwise, except in confrontation with one-self and in Silence. This silence is not a separate time for meditation or observing quietude, but is an inner presence within all of us, on which we have constructed the present day mess.
Lets be an Archeologist and dig deeper into finding our omnipresent silence, the Source and platform of self-expression and creativity.
Only then, can we even look towards reducing exuberant consumerism and getting back to our powerful connected selves, which are not many but ONE.
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