Saturday, April 25, 2009

Unseen room!

Going through some old poems,
I thought ..
Was it me? Or was it you inside me, pouring the words out ..
Or may be I was too full of you, so that I had no space
for the words to stay inside me..

What is it ? I wonder ..
Its like there is moonlight filling my room,
sometimes through the half open window,
sometimes through the chimney,
else through the door ajar..
Will my room be FULL of this light.. 
Will I ever be able to see all the contents of this room?
Well, Why do I have to?
WHO has to?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fullness of Love

I witness my heart,

Melting away with the heat, the lava of your love

Inside me, outside me,

Its all melted, everything …

What flows all around is love, boundless love

It sweeps away my weak thoughts

My desires, my attachments,

Nothing remains but love

A rainy desert, Full of love..Full of you!


My heart weeps, it cries in pain and it yearns,

When it sees the love in abundance Inside, and outside,

In this and that,

Its all you!! It IS you..

What a fool have I been,

How stupid, how ignorant

Not to realize something

Which IS the only thing that IS

Rest all foolishness…


    I have caught this flame,

    I have got crazy in your love

    Looking for you in everything

    Weeping in pain over my foolishness

    How couldn’t I feel you

    When you have always been inside me

    Why this torture ?

    When you have always been around me!!

    You are the eyes which make me see,

    You are the me, which holds the eyes

    You are this and you are that, everything that the eyes see

    And all that what they don’t,

    You are the ears and the sounds it absorbs,

    You are the hands which articulate, you are the essence of the things they touch, they shape, they make.

    You are in the words , still  you are far beyond them,

    For help me pouring this feeling out, or let me just burn in your love..

To you , beloved GOD

    You seep into my life as the Sun,

    Floating through my window, you intoxicate my soul.

    You come as the wind

    Rejuvenating the air around me

    You stand there as the Earth,

    Filled with humility and power

    Supporting me till eternity

    Then you take forms, try to elude me

    But your essence is visible in each living form I see

    In each and every leaf and bud

    Full of love, aren’t you?

    It oozes out of you, no matter how hard you disguise.

    So, tell me now, why shouldn’t I be overwhelmed

    Why shouldn’t my heart melt in your warmth, your love?

    When you touch and kiss my heart from inside,

    What way am I left with, if not being a whirling soul

    Free from the mortal body..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Be Free !! Let the bird out ..

We are living in a world full of fears, fears of death, fears of insecurity, fears of diseases, and above all we are fearful of living life to its maximum. We are scared to expand horizons, scared to leave things not charted all out but just take them as they present, to have some adventure in life.
Human beings have become money making machines, who try to enjoy life by going out to party, by losing themselves to these big shopping complexes called- Malls, Television, or rethinking and re-analzying past events, without any conclusions. We FOLLOW, we follow the latest trends, latest professions.. whatever. Where is the creativity in Us? Are we just robots, who are deviced to follow a mechanical routine? Are we human beings at all? Are we doing OUR best in order to cleanse ourself, before blaming other around us ? Are we respecting everyone around us?
I see there is a vast separation between our personal and professional lives. We have entered into this system of Life, where one has to separately EARN for a living, and then ENJOY living, using that money. Bullshit. This separation is the origin of dishonesty, of corruption and of shallow living, of desperation and of frustration. The result is a world full of crimes, distrust and distraught.
Why cant my life be ONE, ONE with the profession and person, ONE with my family and families people I meet. Why Should we treat some special ones specially and others non-specially. This doesn’t come from inside me. I don’t see a difference whether its my sister or your sister. Forgive me. But I refuse to live in this separation. We are one, and I cannot act but in One-ness.
There is a tremendous potential, an abyss of creativity in all of us. We have blocked it by following systems, by getting entrapped in our own, separate religions, nations, and schools of thoughts. We have dulled our minds by stopping enquiry, (Firstly, Self-enquiry), by being cowards and not asking questions to these things called rules or traditions. Isn’t it time, to take a step ahead, cross that laxman rekha, and be free, and let others break out the shackles too!
Love to all living and non-living beings!